The Lovely Life

Friday, May 27, 2011

Thank God for this Friday!

I had a GREAT Friday! For starters, my friend and I had a garage sale. That alone makes my day! Sooooo much STUFF we have had, hanging on to, like people do, for no reason at all really... and it's semi-sold.
The first thing I really sold was this bouncer type baby thing I had. This lady came and asked me about it, and then asked if she could have her son try it out. She said, "I have a strange question.." then asked if she could put her son in it, and then explained that he has down syndrome, and she wanted to make sure he would respond to the toy. Well, be still my heart, not only do I love a baby, any baby, but special needs babies have a special place in my heart that I can't explain. (Maybe, possibly, as a women who has lost pregnancies, I appreciate what a miracle a baby is! Any baby! Maybe?) I was holding his finger, and making smiley, laughey faces at him. His Mom warned me that he doesn't make eye contact a lot, etc etc. You better believe I had him gushing. I love babies. Love, Love, Love babies!
Speaking of babies, I told Hubby that once the kids were in school, I want to start fostering infants. I didn't know you could chose a certain age, but apparently you can. I would love nothing more than to have babies coming into my life for the rest of my life. He laughed when I told him, and I said, "I'm doing it." Point blank. lol.
I will tell you, my what, four followers? haha, in complete honesty, the reason the baby talk came up... I want another baby. I was at the park (one of my favorite places to be!) and I talked to another Mom, who had three kids, one Chase's age, one Olivia's age, and a new born. I realised that if we had another baby NOW would be the time. And it made my heart ache, because in a perfect world I would be pregnant with my next by now. But not in this world; our world; the real world.
Yes, I want lots of babies, there I said it! And if I ever win the lottery, you better believe I am adopting! I am very open about my miscarriages. I've had 4 pregnancies and 2 live births. You do the math. And that heart breaking fact, along with the multiple miscarriages in my family, along with the many friends I have who struggle with infertlity, were my main reason for deciding that we we are done with babies. I told myself, BE GRATEFUL. A boy and a girl... be grateful. Two amazing, beautiful, healthy children (THANK YOU GOD!)... Be grateful!!!! But lately those thoughts haven't stopped my natural desire...
Some people dream of being doctors and astronauts and engineers.... I dreamed of being a Mom. Nothing more, nothing less. I wanted a family of my own. I am far from perfect, but when it comes to kids, I am patient, I am encouraging, and I can love. I am good at that. And if you ask me, the absolute most important thing a parent can do, or give, is unconditional love. And yeah, I like being around kids! I know I'm never going to make any kind of money doing it. But I just really, really love it.
But oh geez, where has this blog gone?? So yes, the women I sold the first toy to, with the baby boy with down syndrome... She... or more HE actually... made my day! His sweet smile made my day. The way he smiled right at me, while biting his tongue. I felt like a better person because I gave his Mommy a good deal on some silly toy. Not even because of that. I can't explain it. Because I met that sweet baby boy, I guess? Because for two minutes I made their lives better. He made my day. No real reason. He just did! :)
But oh my, let me go on about why this day was great! Aside from that beautiful baby boy... :) Well, at the garage sale I made much more money than expected. I also got to spend the day with one of my best friends, as well as with one Hubby's best friends (they're a couple).
AND once I got home I basically finished TWO scrapbooks! NOT AN EASY TASK! Both of them are for Chase's Birthday party in three weeks! Yay! :)
But yes one of the scrabooks is the Birthday Book... all of the Chase's Birthdays! The other is the One to Five Year book! And FINALLY that book is up to date! Yay! I seriously feel, tonight, that I ROCK as a Mommy. Goooo me! :)
Annnnd I ordered the rest of Chase's SuperHero party details and decorations, along with my wedding shoes! Score!
So, yes yes, Very good Friday! Thank you God for this wonderful Friday! :)

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About Me

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My name is Lindsay, and I am a very busy Mommy! I have a 6 year old little boy, an *almost* 4 year old little girl, and a 12 year old step-daughter. I am married to my first and only Love, and this past March we celebrated our 7th Wedding Anniversary. My family is my greatest accomplishment! I love Art, in all of its forms. I love painting, sketching, crafting, writing, doodling, scrap booking, even cake making, and of course photography. When I am not spending time with my kids, or my family, I love being with my friends. I cherish the relationships in my life above all else. I am a down to earth, happy go lucky, madly in love with life kinda gal! :)