The Lovely Life

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hello Old Friend

my dear, sweet blog, i've taken you for granted, and i know it!
i'm so sorry!
life just gets in the way of my blogging. how unfair, i know. you deserve better. and i am going to try. i am going to give it my all, i swear!
last weekend was my bestfriendforever's wedding. i cried more than expected. not suprising, i'm kind of a cryer. ah well. and the wedding, on top of being gorgeous, and a fairytale was the most fun i've ever, ever had at a wedding. and i didn't just get to attend it, but i was in it! Maid of Honor, thank you very much! =D
two things and two words that made the night: photo booth and open bar. the photo booth was ingenious, amazing, exciting, appreciated, and such a great idea. and the open bar, well that was allllll night long, and that too was much appreciated. hands down, best wedding i've been too! so cheers to that!
and now finally, finally, finally Summer! finally! that rain and gloom was getting me down! and i forgive you mother nature for giving us no spring, because the summer sun has made me forget all else. i am so exstatic for the beach and the park and everything in between, every day!
i was born and raised in cold, dark Minnesota and one thing i can do is appreciate the Sun! Nine months of winter will do that to a person. so luckily for my kids, i hate to see a sunny day spent indoors. we haven't made it to the beach yet, but Olivia got her new, purple life jacket, so our first beach day is on it's way!
Chase's Birthday party is fast approaching and i'm pretty much set. won't get into all that, but i'm excited and he's excited. it's going to be a great day. :)
we've decided to get a camper this summer. we love camping, but it's kinda hard with little ones, so we decided a camper would make it easier. and maybe more fun? and easier? lol. whatever, i'm just excited! some of my FAVORITE childhood memories were camping with my parents, and i want to give that to my kids as well. so i am stoked! we are getting a fixer upper camper, i'm sure. but i am fine with that! i love the idea of building and painting, and making something our own. i love it a lot actually. :) i just want to get the ball rolling, and get some hard core camping done!
i have so many plans for this summer that i can't even think about it or i feel like they will swallow me whole and it will suddenly be fall, and that is the absolute last thing i want! yikes!
i pray for a very, very slow summer. may it drag on even more than that miserable winter did. amen. lol. speaking of amen, Chase has now memorized our dinner prayer. which is the cutest thing in the world, hearing a three year old recite a prayer. everytime he says it i think, "i'm doing something right." even Olivia gets into it. i will ask Chase if he wants to say the breakfast/lunch/dinner prayer and Livi will instantly put her hands together, and talk in her baby talk along with him, and after we all say "Amen," she will yell "Amen!" and then start clapping. it rocks!
my kids are growing way too fast! seeing their baby pictures makes my heart ache, but watching them grow and learn is the most amazing experience of my life. i remember when Chase was first born, i was 24. and i would think, "how did i live 24 years without you?" i'm on those same feelings with Livi. how did i live with out this little beautiful, fussy, sweet, amazing, tiny me? lol. hard to imagine.
the day before the wedding we took Chase to get his hair cut. My best friend is also Chase's Godmother, so Chase was their Ringbearer. so he had to look sharp! it was nap time, Chase was fighting his very patient stylist and Livi was running around like she owned the joint. and there was this little old man, who could probably tell we were at our wits end, and he started talking about how he couldn't wait to have grandkids. yada yada. in the middle of our kids' embaressing temper tantrum. he said he saw excitement and love. Bless his heart.
anywho, i suppose i've rambled enough for now. but i've blogged, and that's what counts! i love blogging! i miss it when i'm away, or neglectful. lol. so, see you soon!

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About Me

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My name is Lindsay, and I am a very busy Mommy! I have a 6 year old little boy, an *almost* 4 year old little girl, and a 12 year old step-daughter. I am married to my first and only Love, and this past March we celebrated our 7th Wedding Anniversary. My family is my greatest accomplishment! I love Art, in all of its forms. I love painting, sketching, crafting, writing, doodling, scrap booking, even cake making, and of course photography. When I am not spending time with my kids, or my family, I love being with my friends. I cherish the relationships in my life above all else. I am a down to earth, happy go lucky, madly in love with life kinda gal! :)