The Lovely Life

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Life Lately

I've gotta say I'm loving it. Big changes since last Summer!
For one, I am no longer working two jobs, and 55 hours a week, on top of college classes, on top of every other Mommy/Wifey duty! I'm also taking weekends off this Summer! Yay! I took three weekends off last summer, and two of them were for my kids' Birthdays!
This Summer I am a stay at home Mommy, and I am LOVING IT! I love being with my kids, as crazy as they may drive me at times. I like feeding them every meal, playing with them, teaching them things... just being with them. When we have Lex and it's three kids, I still love it. Maybe because the family seems bigger, and I've always loved and envied the chaos of a big family. We all know my biggest fear is time, and I feel like I am getting quality time in with them, and it makes me feel really good! I also love (and this sounds crazy, because I really only semi-love it) working on their manners. I love asking them to pick up their clothes, toys, put their dishes away, throw wrappers away, say "please", say "thank you", say "may I?" At times it gets old repeating myself, but I swear every time I see them doing these things, especially when I don't have to ask, it makes me so proud of them! I love the fact that at meals, and I'm talking every single meal, we say our prayer twice because Chase wants to say and Lexi wants to say it. That makes me proud! But I am human, and I won't pretend there aren't days I want to pull my hair out, because there are. lol. But the good out weighs the bad.
I also absolutely love being so on top of things at home! Before it was like trying to get a chore done a day, just to stay afloat, before heading off to work or class. Now I am able to deep clean my house every single day. Clothes aren't piling up, dishes aren't piling up, floors are getting swept and carpets vacumed every single day. When my house is messy I turn into the Hulk. I'm not kidding, I am a straight up B word. I don't mean to be, but when I see things out of place, especially on the floor, I just think HOW HARD IS IT?? So my stress level is at such a good place right now. Not that there aren't other stressers in life, but I am completely letting myself enjoy this. It's like in the game Sims, when the people are in a room they don't like, their happiness level goes down. THAT'S ME! lol. The best part about it is I am seriously enjoying cleaning the place. It helps A LOT that this place is so much nicer than our last.
We have also been doing a lot of fun, family stuff lately. There is of course the camping, which we love, and are trying to do at least every other weekend. But we also go see a movie together, about once a week, which the kids LOVE! And we go swimming a lot, and play outside a lot. It's just been a really good Summer so far.
I'm looking into putting Chase into tee-ball and hopefully Soccer as well, now that he is FINALLY four!!! I think they will both be so good for him, in so many ways! A million ways.
I'm in a really good mood, in case you can't tell. Probably because we are going to run errands, which I love doing! Puts me in a great mood!
Gotta run, and hope all my friends are having a wonderful Summer as well, in spite of this horrible weather! :)

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About Me

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My name is Lindsay, and I am a very busy Mommy! I have a 6 year old little boy, an *almost* 4 year old little girl, and a 12 year old step-daughter. I am married to my first and only Love, and this past March we celebrated our 7th Wedding Anniversary. My family is my greatest accomplishment! I love Art, in all of its forms. I love painting, sketching, crafting, writing, doodling, scrap booking, even cake making, and of course photography. When I am not spending time with my kids, or my family, I love being with my friends. I cherish the relationships in my life above all else. I am a down to earth, happy go lucky, madly in love with life kinda gal! :)