The Lovely Life

Friday, April 15, 2011

Where did you go Spring?

Just last week it was all Sunshine and flipflops, and this week it's... grey. Just grey. And gloomy! Booooo! I want to take my little ones to the park, and take pictures with the sun in their eyes. Ok, I don't really want that, but I'd take it over this! I have spent the last umpteen months finding indoor activities for my kids to do... I'm over it! Completely! On top of that, I've had to push three photo shoots back because of this gloom! THREE! There is no way I am doing portraits in this gloom! Who would even want pictures in this? Grey skys and dead trees. Yuck. Oh man, and they're talking snow.... nooooooo. Set me back even more! Sigh.

Ok, moving along, lol. Chase is turning 4 this Summer and he is FINALLY going to be old enough to be in Sports. So we are putting him in Soccer and Swimming. Swimming is crazy expensive, and I am so grateful because my parents have both said they want to help us. And we are putting Olivia in dance as soon as she is old enough... which depending on the place is generally around 2 years old... give or take. I'm a little frustrated because Chase's Soccer Season is 2 months away, so the schedule is not posted, and I have to sign up for Summer classes. I am planning to revolve my school schedule around it as much as possible. I don't want to miss a single game or even practice! I am not even kidding... I would rather have to retake a class than miss out on these momentous events in my kids' lives! Deciding to go back to school was a very hard decision, but I swore to myself, the second it came between me and the kids, I would stop. I already feel guilty enough. I feel like it is not my kids fault I didn't finish college before they were born, it's mine, and they shouldn't be the ones sacrificing for it. BUT, I can't change my past, only my future, so as long as I can juggle both, I will.

I love that I'm going back to school, and doing something for myself. It's a nice change, as any Mom knows! And even though I don't plan on working until Olivia is in kindergarden, I can't wait to graduate, and start my career. I can't wait to be working with kids, something I truly love, and actually getting paid for it! I started working with kids when I was 14 years old, in my Church's nursery. I volunteered at Elementary Schools, at a battered women's shelter, at a few Churches, and worked in a couple daycares. I have worked with some of the cutest, sweetest kids, and some kids who are so lost in this world it would break your heart. But I know without a doubt working with kids is what I was meant to do. When I was younger I wanted to work with special needs kids, and in the last couple years I've been considering that more and more. I just want to help, I want to make a difference, I want to show kids love and understanding that they may not always get elsewhere.

I just really can't wait for it. But for now, I have to think about my little ones. And naptime is already an hour in, so I better get some things done while I still can! Happy Friday, and Happy kinda-sorta Spring!?! :)

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About Me

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My name is Lindsay, and I am a very busy Mommy! I have a 6 year old little boy, an *almost* 4 year old little girl, and a 12 year old step-daughter. I am married to my first and only Love, and this past March we celebrated our 7th Wedding Anniversary. My family is my greatest accomplishment! I love Art, in all of its forms. I love painting, sketching, crafting, writing, doodling, scrap booking, even cake making, and of course photography. When I am not spending time with my kids, or my family, I love being with my friends. I cherish the relationships in my life above all else. I am a down to earth, happy go lucky, madly in love with life kinda gal! :)