The Lovely Life

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Home Sweet Home

We're still slightly living out of boxes. But today we hung all of our pictures on the wall. That's my favorite part. That's what makes it home to me. :)
I can't wait until we are completely unpacked and settled in. I am beyond excited to just relax. Though I am enjoying taking my time unpacking. We have SO MUCH STUFF! And I have been personally going through each box and deciding what we really need, and putting it where it needs to be. I have gotten rid of A LOT of stuff. And it feels amazing. :)
Our weekend plans have changed, which frustrates me. I don't like changes in plans. I used to, when I was younger. I couldn't stick with plans if my life depended on it. I liked to live by the seat of my pants. As I got older I realized there is a ripple effect. When I change my plans, I also change someone else's. It took me about 25 years to realize that's inconsiderate as hell. But, such is life, and the only person I can control is myself. Live and let live I guess.
On Monday my baby turns four. Wow, did those four years go fast. It's crazy to me that at the age of four he is already his own person, with his own thoughts, opinions, wants, expectations. Though he is still in the process of being shaped by us, and our thoughts, opinions, wants and expectations. It's such a fragile stage, and I feel the pressure. I want to be a good mom more than literally anything in this world, and I hope I am doing him justice. Even though he can be a handful and a half, I am proud of him, and I love the little person he is becoming. :)
Time to get back to life; unpacking and party planning. :)

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to visit this summer! Happy birthday, Chase!



About Me

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My name is Lindsay, and I am a very busy Mommy! I have a 6 year old little boy, an *almost* 4 year old little girl, and a 12 year old step-daughter. I am married to my first and only Love, and this past March we celebrated our 7th Wedding Anniversary. My family is my greatest accomplishment! I love Art, in all of its forms. I love painting, sketching, crafting, writing, doodling, scrap booking, even cake making, and of course photography. When I am not spending time with my kids, or my family, I love being with my friends. I cherish the relationships in my life above all else. I am a down to earth, happy go lucky, madly in love with life kinda gal! :)