The Lovely Life

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


i am such a restless person, i drive myself crazy. i feel like a kid who can't sit still. i always have some new project that i have to be doing. i get these crazy ideas in my head, and i act on them. like yesterday, i decided to wrap all the the Christmas presents i already have. and i've done this before. by the time Christmas comes, i have no clue what's in the wrapped presents, so i either A)unwrap them, or B)Buy more stuff. BTW i buy Christmas presents all year long. any time i see something i think someone will like, or find a really good deal. i like to strike while the iron is hot. my impatient nature i guess. i'm pretty sure i'm just going to buy gift cards for the remaining people. Christmas is so much work!
that's another thing... i give myself these huge projects, and my mind starts spinning and all of the sudden these fun projects turn into these genius ideas, and suddenly they are requiring hours of my time, and i'm writing list after list after list of ways to make this thing even greater. it is seriously exhausting.
like scrapbooks. i made 2 for Chase by the time his birthday came, but i'm thinking there is no way i will have Olivia's done by her birthday. no way, yeah right, not with every thing else going on. i feel like if i could get on some kind of ADD medicine i could concur the world. but instead i'm swimming in my own randomness all day long. sigh.
my current project, and by current, i mean THIS SECOND... Lexi told me she wants me to make her scrapbooks like I made Chase. She wants a book full of all of her Birthdays, and she wants a book full of just her and her life. With Chase' I'm doing a 1-5 book, and so on. so i was thinking i could start hers at 5. so then i'm like oh gawd, i have to go through 5 years of pictures! ahhhhh! soooo i decided since it is a scrapbook and i can take pages out and put them in, in whatever order i want, i am going to do the years backwards, starting with this year! so here i am, ordering a bunch of pictures through man do i love those sites.
what other excitingness do i have going on right now? well, i started reading again! i was a book worm up until the time i had Chase, and had no time anymore. i read a couple books, but once Olivia was born, no way. so a few days ago i finished my first book in over 2 years! go me! i remember why i loved it! so i'm trying to give myself that time, of quiet and calm. it's really nice. very, very hard to get away, but nice! i hope i stick with it! i was stuck at the DMV for 90 minutes, so while waiting, wondered into the used book store next door. saw 50cent racks, and decided to browse. i found a book about Shakespeare, but written from the point of view of his wife, so figured, 50cents, why not. i was obsessed with Shakespeare all through high school. i would sit and memorize his sonnets. good times. :) so go figure, Shakespeare would be the one to bring me back to reading. haha. nerd at heart.
this week i'm hosting a baby shower for a co-worker. nothing big, but it's her first so i'm definitely going to make it special! i still have 2 more baby showers to host before summer is through! and Olivia's birthday too. i swear this summer is going so fast, i feel like it is literally slipping through my fingers. we have had a really good summer! we have done so much as a family, and it's been great. i hate to see winter come and put life back on it's seemingly halt. i know it's only august but i see my planner and my booked up weekends, and feel like it's already November. please let this be a mild, mild winter. with many sunny days, light fluffy snow, and not a below day in the bunch! that's my wish!
this is so random, i know, but it's late, and i'm tired. wish my brain would turn off! night friends. :)

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About Me

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My name is Lindsay, and I am a very busy Mommy! I have a 6 year old little boy, an *almost* 4 year old little girl, and a 12 year old step-daughter. I am married to my first and only Love, and this past March we celebrated our 7th Wedding Anniversary. My family is my greatest accomplishment! I love Art, in all of its forms. I love painting, sketching, crafting, writing, doodling, scrap booking, even cake making, and of course photography. When I am not spending time with my kids, or my family, I love being with my friends. I cherish the relationships in my life above all else. I am a down to earth, happy go lucky, madly in love with life kinda gal! :)